VIGRE2 Vertical Intergration of Research and Education Department of Mathematics, University of Utah

Summer 2013

Introduction to Research








As of Fall 2013 this webpage is no longer being updated. For up to date information on our REU program, please visit this link.

Summer applications are due - Monday, May 20, 2013.

Introduction to research projects involve a faculty mentor working with an undergraduate, and the focus is on exploring an area of mathematics not usually taught in standard classes. Mentor and advisor meet weekly throughout the semester to discuss topics from relevant text or journal article readings. These projects may sometimes be appropriate as preludes to independent projects, in cases where the ultimate research area requires a lot of prerequisite knowledge. At the end of the semester, the REU student produces a final expository paper on aspects of their research.

Time Commitment: 3 credit hour course
Compensation: $750 tuition benefit
Requirements: Must be a U.S. Citizen, National, or Permanent Resident
Expectations: Register for the course, meet regularly with mentor, give a talk with slides, and generate an evaluation and a report

To apply:

Complete the online application form. Submit a proposal of study, a letter of support from your mentor, and a current 'Unofficial Transcript' (obtained from CIS, under the 'Grades' section) to Fernando Guevara Vasquez([email protected] or LCB 212) by Monday, May 20, 2013. Online/email submissions are preferred.

Contact the REU Director with questions:
Fernando Guevara Vasquez
Office: LCB 212
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 801 581 7467