VIGRE2 Vertical Intergration of Research and Education Department of Mathematics, University of Utah









  1. The REU Director can answer any questions not covered here:
    Fernando Guevara Vasquez
    Office: LCB 212
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: 801 581 7467
  2. Do I have to be a mathematics major to do an REU?

    No. There is no specific major requirement.

  3. Can any university faculty member be my mentor?

    Your mentor must be a member of the Mathematics Department faculty:

  4. Why do I have to be a US Citizen, National, or Permanent Resident?

    The REU program is supported by a federally funded grant. The US Congress has decided that these funds should be used to support the education of US Citizens only. While we would love to fund everyone who shows talent and interest in research, that is not possible.

    If you are willing to be an unfunded student in the group program or MATH 4800 course, contact the faculty running the program. They may (more often than not) decide to let you participate. You will be afforded the same opportunities and attention as funded students, but without the stipend.

    If you do not meet the citizenship requirements, there is a university program that could fund your independent research project: Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP).

  5. What should my project description for an independent REU project be like?

    Project descriptions should be a detailed description of your project, your research process and any expected results. Consult your mentor to help clarify the focus of your project.

    You can view past project descriptions:

  6. Will my REU stipend affect my financial aid?

    Possibly. Your stipend may appear as a scholarship on your financial aid report. If you are awarded an REU, see your financial aid counselor as soon as possible. Tell him/her that you have received a scholarship/fellowship. They should be able to tell you about any changes to your total financial aid award.

  7. Are taxes taken out of my stipend?

    No. However, that does not mean that the award is tax free. Some people may have to pay taxes on their stipends.The IRS Publication 970 has more information:

  8. May I get my stipend checks set up on direct deposit?

    No. This is not possible.