- What sort of expenses are elligible for reimbursement?
Any travel expenses are fit to reimburse: airfare, taxi/shuttle fares, train fares, parking, etc.
- Do I need to save receipts from food expenses?
No. If you have travel allowance left, you will be reimbursed for per diem, a daily meal allowance. The only documentation required for per diem is something proving your time in Salt Lake City - a plane ticket illustrates this perfectly.
- What do I need to do to be reimbursed?
See Daniela as soon as possible. Bring any original receipts you have (If you are flying on an E-ticket, forward the confirmation/receipt to [email protected].).
- When will I receive my reimbursement check?
This is unpredictable. Your paperwork has to travel through several different administrative offices of the university before a check is issued. It can take anywhere from 1-5 weeks.
- How will I get my check?
If your check arrives during the course, Daniela will deliver it to you. If it arrives after the course, it will be mailed to you.
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, LCB 214
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Friday, LCB 214
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM |