Dragan Milicic
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Localization and Representation Theory of Reductive Lie Groups
Localization and standard modules for real semisimple Lie groups I:
The duality theorem
(with H. Hecht, W. Schmid and J. Wolf), Inventiones Math. 90 (1987), 297-331.
Localization and standard modules for real semisimple Lie groups II:
Irreducibility and classification
(with H. Hecht, W. Schmid and J. Wolf) to appear in Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly
Asymptotic behavior of matrix coefficients of admissible representations
(with W. Casselman), Duke Math. Journal , 49 (1982), 869-930
On the cohomological dimension of the localization functor (with H. Hecht)
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 108 (1990), 249-254.
Intertwining functors and irreducibility of standard Harish-Chandra sheaves
from Harmonic Analysis on Reductive Groups, W. Barker, P. Sally, Editors, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1991, 209-222.
Algebraic D-modules and representation theory of semisimple Lie groups
from Analytic Cohomology and Penrose Transform,
M. Eastwood, J.A. Wolf, R. Zierau, editors, Contemporary Mathematics,
Vol. 154 (1993), 133-168.
- Equivariant derived categories, Zuckerman functors and localization (with P. Pandzic) from Geometry and Representation Theory of real and p-adic Lie Groups , J. Tirao, D. Vogan, J.A. Wolf, editors, Progress in Mathematics Vol. 158, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1997, 209-242.
The composition series of modules induced from Whittaker modules (with W. Soergel), Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 72 (1997), 503-520.
On degeneration of the spectral sequence for the composition of Zuckerman functors (with P. Pandzic), Glasnik Matematicki, 32 (52) (1997), 179-199.
Bruhat filtrations and Whittaker vectors for real groups (with W. Casselman and H. Hecht) in The Mathematical Legacy of Harish-Chandra: A Celebration of Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis, Proc. Symp. in Pure Math., 68 (2000), Amer. Math. Soc., 151-190.
Variations on a Casselman-Osborne theme in Developments and Retrospectives in Lie theory: Algebraic Methods, G. Mason, I. Penkov, J.A. Wolf, editors, Developments in Math, 38, (2014), Springer, 275-289.
- Twisted Harish-Chandra sheaves and
Whittaker modules: The non-degenerate case (with W. Soergel) in Developments and Retrospectives in Lie theory: Geometric and Analytic Methods, G. Mason, I. Penkov, J.A. Wolf, editors, Developments in Math, 37, (2014), Springer, 183-196.
- Harish-Chandra's orthogonality relations for admissible representations (with J.-S. Huang and B. Sun), J. Eur. Math. Soc., 22. (2020), 1095-1113.
Lecture Notes:
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Mail address:
Dragan Milicic
Department of Mathematics
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Office: LCB 104
Office phone: (801) 581-5272
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Dragan Milicic ([email protected])