Mathematical Biology Program

University of Utah
Department of Mathematics

Mathematical Biology Program


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Mathematical Biology seminar

David Eyre
Idaho Technologies
"Sequence Algorithms for PCR Primer Design"
September 24
3:05pm in LCB 225

In this talk, I will describe our data analysis efforts at Idaho Technology, Inc. (ITI) in general, and our recent efforts to develop software with fast algorithms to design PCR primers and detection probes. ITI is a Salt Lake City biotechnical firm that designs, manufactures and sells quantitative PCR systems. Our most widely known product is the LightCycler, a quantitative PCR system sold by Roche. ITI develops software for the LightCycler that is used to operate the instrument, analyze the data obtained from experiments and warehouse the data. The system has traditionally been used in research environments and most users run the instrument with custom assays. Software to assist the process of assay design can be helpful to users if it is easy to use and if the PCR primers and probes work effectively. I will focus on the latter question, and present algorithms and results describing our numerical design processes for multiplex PCR assays.

For more information contact J. Keener, 1-6089

E-mail: [email protected]