Mathematical Biology seminar
Alla Borisyuk
Mathematical Biosciences Institute
Ohio State University
"Adaptation and inhibition shape responses to moving sounds in the model of
auditory midbrain"
April 28, 2004
3:05pm in LCB 215
Abstract:We develop a conductance-based firing rate model to study how adapting
cells with a post-inhibitory rebound mechanism respond to combinations
of dynamic excitatory and inhibitory inputs. The model system reproduces
multiple physiologically relevant features. These include phase advance
during periodic stimulation, conditioned enhancement and suppression of
the firing rate and characteristic rebound responses. We study dependence
of these and other non-linearities on input parameters and on relative
time scales of the model's dynamic mechanisms. Simulated dynamic
responses of the model qualitatively mimic experimental data, recorded
from interaural phase disparity sensitive neurons in auditory midbrain
For more information contact J. Keener, 1-6089
[email protected]