Math 10 - College Algebra Review
University of Utah
Fall, 2014
Contact Information
Instructor - Patrick Dylan Zwick.
Telephone - 801-651-8768 (Cell).
Email - [email protected] .
Class Location - Leroy Cowles Building (LCB) Room 215.
Class Time - 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Monday through Thursday.
Accuplacer Exam - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Monday and Friday in LCB 115.
This is the class webpage for the intensive intermediate algebra class offered by the University of Utah from August 18th, 2014 through August 22nd, 2014. The class is designed as a refresher course, which means the assumption is that you have seen the material before, either in high school or in college, and you'd like a review. It is not designed to be your first exposure to the material. If it's your first time, the class will almost certainly go too quickly for you.
The course will begin with an Accuplacer exam. Accuplacer is an exam, administered by the university, that gauges the test taker's knowledge of introductory mathematics. The Accuplacer you take at the start of the class should give you an idea of where your mathematics knowledge stands, and it also gives you some experience with the exam itself. At the end of the week you'll take another Accuplacer exam. The hope is that, by the end of the week, you'll do better!
The class notes are primarily quizzes that you'll be taking outside of class. We'll review and explain the answers to the quiz questions during class. At the end of the class notes you'll find the answers, and explanations for these answers, so you can review them on your own as well.
At the end of each section of the class notes there is a reference to online notes and lectures that you can use to further review the material in that section. These notes and lectures are for the standard math 1010 class at the University of Utah. They can be found here. Please utilize them.
Before each class you sould take the quizzes for the sections covered that day. You will not receive a grade for this class, and so none of these quizzes are officially "due", but you're very strongly encouraged to do them. Each day in the evening after class you're expected to review the material from that day, focusing on any material with which you had difficulty.
You should download and print out the class notes below before the first day of class, and bring them with you to class on the first day.
If you have any questions, please email me. I look forward to working with you.
Class Notes
Review Resources
Old Classes
Math 2280 Spring, 2014
Math 2280 Fall, 2013
Math 10 Fall, 2013
Math 2280 Summer, 2013
Math 2280 Spring, 2013
Math 15 Spring, 2013
Math 2270 Fall, 2012
Math 2210 Summer, 2012
Math 2210 Summer, 2010
Math 1010 Fall, 2009
Math 1210 Summer, 2009
Math 2280 Spring, 2009
Math 2210 Fall, 2008
Evolutionary Biology and Game Theory Fall, 2008
Math 2210 Summer, 2008
REU on Computational Algebraic Geometry Summer, 2008
Knot Theory Spring, 2008
Math 2280 Spring, 2008
Math 1030 Fall, 2007
Math 2210 Summer, 2007
Notes for Math Department Talks
My Ph.D. Dissertation