Course Title: Ordinary Differential Equations
Course Number: MATH 6410 - 1
Instructor: Andrejs Treibergs
Home Page:
Place & Time: M, W, F, 2:00 - 2:50 in LCB 215
Office Hours: 10:40-11:30 M, W, F, in JWB 224 (tent.)
E-mail: [email protected]
Prerequisites: Math 5210 or consent of instructor.
Main Text: Jane Cronin, Ordinary Differential Equations: Introduction and Qualitative Theory, 3rd. ed., CRC Press, 2008.
Supplementary Materials List.
       Two Figures

Math 6410 - 1 Syllabus, pdf.

Math 6410 - 1 Homework

Home Pages of Previous Math 6410's

Math 6410 - 1 Fall 2009

Math 6410 - 1 Fall 2008

Math 6410 - 1 Fall 2002

In this first semester of a year long graduate course in differential equations, we shall focus on ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems. The second semester, Math 6420 taught by D. Dobson, will emphasize partial differential equations. In this course, along with the Math 6420, we shall try to cover the syllabus for the qualifying exam in differential equations. Although some mathematical sophistication is required to take the course, we shall provide any backgroung materials needed by the class.

We shall begin by following Cronin's text. We cover existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence of solutions of ordinary differential equations, stability theory, bifurcation theory and periodic solutions. Occasionally we'll refer to more advanced texts. We shall discuss as many applications as we can. Topics include (depending on time):

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