Course Title: Foundations of Analysis
Course Number: MATH 3210 - 1
Instructor: Andrejs Treibergs
Days: M, T, W, F, 11:50 AM - 12:40 PM in JFB 102
Office Hours: 10:45 - 11:45 M, W, F, in JWB 224 (tent.)
Grader: Spencer Bagley
E-mail: [email protected]
Prerequisites: Calculus MATH 1210 and 1220, Advanced calculus MATH 2210 or consent of instructor. MATH 2270 (linear algebra) will be required for MATH 3220.
Text: Joseph L. Taylor, Foundations of Analysis, Ch. 1-6. Available for downloading:

    The Final for M 3210-1 is Thurs., Dec. 18, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM, in class.

Half of the Final Exam will cover sections 4.2 - 4.4 and 5.1 - 5.4. The other half will be comprehensive.

On exams you will be allowed to bring a "cheat sheet" consisting of two 8.5" x 11" pages of notes. Exams will
otherwise be closed book: no calculators, laptops, text messengers, other notes or books will be allowed.

Syllabus for Math 3210 § 1.

Homework Assignments

Homework is due Fridays. If you are unable to turn in homework during class, you may still turn it in on time by putting it in the grader's box in JWB 233 before he leaves Fridays, at about 3:30pm.


       First Homework Assignment M3210        Eleventh Homework Assignment M3210
       Second Homework Assignment M3210        Twelfth Homework Assignment M3210
       Third Homework Assignment M3210        Thirteenth Homework Assignment M3210
       Fourth Homework Assignment M3210        Fourteenth Homework Assignment M3210
       Fifth Homework Assignment M3210        Fifteenth Homework Assignment M3210
       Sixth Homework Assignment M3210        Sixteenth Homework Assignment M3210
      Seventh Homework Assignment M3210
       Eighth Homework Assignment M3210
       Ninth Homework Assignment M3210
       Tenth Homework Assignment M3210

Last updated: 12 - 5 - 8