M2160-1 3rd Homework Assignment.  Due Feb. 17, 2006.

  1. Building on your work in the second homework assignment, modify the program from the second problem and define a function called mycos which gives the cosine of an angle by summing the Maclaurin series and giving six decimal places accuracy. Use this function to print a table which has angles in degrees from 1 to 360 in the first column, the value of your function mycos for these angles in the second column, and the machine values of cos for these angles in the third column. Check for the accuracy of your computation by comparing the values in the second and third column.

  2. This is an exercise on periodic functions and recursive subprogram calls. A function f(x) defined for all real x is periodic of period p>0 if f(x+p)=f(x) for all x. You will write a function perfun that is periodic of period p and tabulate the function over several periods. You can define perfun to be just about anything you want over a single period, and then it will recursively copy itself with the same waveform to other periods.

    Missing figure
    A periodic function. The salmon part of the graph 0 ≤ x< p is repeated over and over.

    Electrocardiograms from Prof. Keener's lecture, MAw. (The abnormal ones are not periodic.)

    Write a function subprogram perfun that accepts two double precision arguments x and p and returns the value of the function at the point x. If the input value lies between 0≤ x < p then you can return any interesting wave shape, such as a sawtooth or a cardiogram. (Make sure that your wave shape is not left-right symmetric and don't use trigonometric functions.) For values of x outside this range, have the function call itself, but at an argument translated by ±p.

    The main program should ask the user to enter two numbers a and b and then print out a table of values of x and perfun(x,p) for about 30 equally spaced points from a to b. (e,g., try a=-2p and b=4p.)

E-mail your solutions to [email protected].