The University of Utah

Newspaper, Magazine, and Web Articles

  1. Counting on Mathematicians to Help Save the Planet, in the BBC series Unlocking Science, December 2021

  2. Modeling Sea Ice, Golden et al., Notices of the American Mathematical Society, November 2020

  3. From Magnets to Melt Ponds, Golden et al., SIAM News, November 2020

  4. A Nearly 100-Year-Old Physics Model Replicates Modern Arctic Ice Melt, EOS, August 2019

  5. Magnet and Neuron Model Also Predicts Arctic Sea Ice Melt, Scientific American, July 2019

  6. When is Arctic ice like a magnet?, PhysicsWorld, July 2019

  7. Arctic melt ponds form when meltwater clogs ice pores, EurekAlert (AAAS), newswise, ScienceDaily, U. of Utah News, January 2017.
  8. What is a mathematical physicist doing out in the cold?, Physics Today, March 2016.

  9. Polar Ice May Hold Secrets of Futuristic Materials, livescience, YahooNews, November 2015.

  10. A scientist unlocks one of the mysteries of Arctic ice melt, PRI, accompanying radio story "Eureka Moment" on BBC website, December 2014.
  11. U Mathematician Ken Golden Named to Explorers Club, U. of Utah press release, November 2014.

  12. Meet Ken Golden: Artctic Adventurer and Mathematician, Loyola Phoenix, October 2014.

  13. Mathematical Patterns in Sea Ice Reveal Melt Dynamics, Scientific American, March 2014.

  14. Doing the Math on Polar Sea Ice Melt, livescience, March 2014.

  15. Mathematician Combines Love for Numbers and Passion for Sea Ice to Forecast Melting National Science Foundation, January 2014.

  16. Wenn hier nichts mehr ist, ist es vorbei, Zeit Magazin, November 2013.

  17. The Golden Rule of Sea Ice Permeability, Australian Antarctic Magazine, June 2013.

  18. Weather Patterns, Wasatch Magazine, March 2013.

  19. In Mysterious Pattern, Math and Nature Converge,, February 2013.

  20. Joint Mathematics Meetings: Ken Golden Gives Lecture to the Public on Mathematics and Melting Polar Ice Caps, American Mathematical Society, January 2013.

  21. Polar Treks Add Up for Mathematician, San Diego Union Tribune, January 2013.

  22. Math of Planet Earth 2013 set to debut at JMM, SIAM News, November 2012.

  23. U. of U. professor, 2 students head to Antarctica for study, KSL TV, Salt Lake City, August 24, 2012.

  24. Do the Math: Antarctica field trip is adventure for U. professor, students, KSL TV, Salt Lake City, October 25, 2012.

  25. Dramatic Antarctic rescue caught on camera, KSL TV, Salt Lake City, October 31, 2012.

  26. The Pivotal Impact of Percolating Brine, PIMS Chats with , pp. 9-10, Newsletter of the Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Vancouver, .

  27. Global warming expert to speak in Abu Dhabi - Maths breaks the ice on global warming: An American university professor will give a free public lecture in the capital on the processes used to predict climate change, by , The National, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, p. 7, .

  28. An icy environment: sea ice could predict effects of global warming, by , The Daily Utah Chronicle, pp. 1,3, .

  29. U. mathematician on a quest to solve polar puzzle -- finds crucial numbers in sea ice, a major front in climate change, by

  30. Antarctic sea ice gives global warming clues, by , Unbounded (University of Utah International Magazine), Vol. 1, No. 1 (Premiere issue), pp. 22-24, . PDF

  31. Melting at the microscale: Studying sea ice close-up may improve climate models, by , Science News, Vol. 177, No. 13, pp. 22-25, . PDF

  32. American Mathematical Society News Release: Mathematics and Climate Change - Gaining Insights into the Nature of Sea Ice, a Key Indicator of Climate Change, by , (posted at ScienceDaily, NSF News Service Science360, EurekAlert).

  33. Cold Equations: Profile of Ken Golden, by , Science, Volume 324, pp. 32-33, . PDF (also see AMS coverage)

  34. Mathematics and Climate, Math Awareness Month, April 2009, SIAM News (Newsjournal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), Volume 42, Number 2, page 1, . PDF

  35. U prof shares Arctic experience, , The Daily Utah Chronicle, .

  36. The Golden Yardstick - In studying sea ice, Ken Golden finds another measure for global climate change, and more, , Continuum, pp. 18-22, University of Utah, . PDF

  37. Mathematics at 2008 National SACNAS Conference: Mathematician Golden among 2008 Keynote Address Speakers. PDF

  38. Sea Ice Physics and Ecosystem Experiment, CRC Newsletter, Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (ACE CRC), . PDF

  39. AMS Congressional Briefing: Mathematics of Ice to Aid Global Warming Forecasts, by , Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., . PDF

  40. Water pours through pores in sea ice, by , Geotimes, pp. 16-18, . PDF

  41. Scientists come home with new climate insights, Australian Antarctic Division, .

  42. Scientists collect Antarctic climate change data, ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), .

  43. Mathematicians help predict global warming impact, by , The Daily Utah Chronicle, . PDF

  44. Electronics help predict global warming, by , EE Times (and EE Times Asia), . PDF

  45. Modeling ice-melt may lead to improved global climate forecasts, by , Ars Technica, . PDF

  46. Icy calculations on a hot topic: Mathematics of ice to aid global warming forecasts, by , U. of Utah press release, published by,,, and other sites, . PDF

  47. Cool as ice: U students chill out in the Arctic for science, by , The Summer Utah Chronicle, pp. 4-5, . PDF

  48. AMS displays mathematics at Capitol Hill exhibition: Mathematics of sea ice, by , Ninth Annual Exhibition of the Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF), US Congress, Washington D.C., . HTML

  49. Mathematician on ice: Adventurous voyages to Antarctica test mathematical models of sea ice, by , Science News, Washington D. C., pp. 106-108 (and cover), . PDF

  50. Voyage to Antarctica: Chain saws and beet juice become research tools for Utah mathematician studying polynya `ice factory', by , The Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, pp. J1, J6, . PDF

  51. Cool math: Utahn explains a key step in how sea ice maintains Earth's climate and ocean life, by , The Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, pp. B1-B2, . PDF

  52. Accounts of an engine room fire aboard the Aurora Australis, just inside the Antarctic sea ice pack, at the beginning of the Mertz Glacier Polynya Experiment, . PDF

    1. Icebreaker burns, , Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, p. 6, .

    2. Fire endangers Hobart's ice ship, , The Mercury, Hobart, p. 2, .

    3. Fire strands Antarctic ship in sea ice, The Advertiser, Adelaide, p. 14, .

    4. Fire disables icebreaker, The Daily Telegraph, Sydney, p. 21,.

    5. Aurora fire could end voyage south, The Advocate, Tasmania, .

    6. Blaze on ice vessel, Sarah Dent, Herald Sun, p. 15, .

    7. Antarctic voyage stopped by fire, The Canberra Times, Canberra, p. 4, .

    8. Hard battle to repair ice ship, , The Mercury, Hobart, p. 3, .

    9. Antarctic ship to abandon mission, The West Australian, Hobart, p. 7, .

    10. Fire brings icebreaker home early, The Daily Telegraph, Sydney, p. 27, .

  53. An account of the Antarctic Zone Flux (ANZFLUX) Experiment, Weddell Sea, July-August 1994: On thin ice, , Earth, pp. 44-51, . PDF

  54. The mathematics of ice: U. professor goes south to study Antarctica's blanket, , The Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, pp. C1-C2, . PDF

  55. Study of Antarctic ice has scary moments for Utahn: Storm put scientific team in danger of losing costly equipment -- and lives, , Deseret News, Salt Lake City, p. A12, . PDF

  56. Professor warms to idea of studying Antarctic winter, , The Daily Utah Chronicle, p. 1, . PDF

Professor Ken Golden

Kenneth M. Golden

Distinguished Professor of Mathematics
Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Email: [email protected]
Office: LCB 328
Dept. Phone: (801) 581-6851

University of Utah
Department of Mathematics
155 S. 1400 E. RM 233
Salt Lake City, UT
84112-0090 USA