Final Exam
Office: JWB 303
Phone: 581-7916
Email: [email protected]
Office hours: M 3:00 - 4:30, T
1:00 - 2:00 or by appointment
Prerequisites: Math 3220
consent of instructor.
Meeting place and time: MTWF
2:00 - 2:50, LCB 121
Text: Fourier Series and Integrals, by
Dym and McKean
Course description: We will begin with an introduction to the
Lebesgue integral. I plan to go into more depth on this topic than is
in the book. We will then cover the first two chapters in the book
although I will not cover every topic in these chapters.
Homework: There will be
regularly assigned homework but it will not be handed in. Instead some
of the homework will reappear as questions on the quizzes and midterms.
Quizzes: There will be short quizzes every two to three weeks.
Midterms: There will be two
Final: The final will be a
take-home exam and will be due on April 29.
Grades: Grades will be
determined as follows
Quizzes and midterms 60%
Final 40%
For the quiz/midterm portion of your grade I will drop the lowest of
your three scores. If your quiz average is lower than both your midterm
scores then only the two midterms will count towards your grade. If
your quiz average is higher than one of you midterm scores then only
your highest midterm score and your quiz average will count with both
being weighted equally. I will also drop your lowest quiz score.
Notes and homework problems:
The Riemann integral
Countable sets
Lebesgue Measure
Lebesgue Integration
Haar Functions
From Dym and Mckean
To discuss in class on 3/12:
1.2: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13
1.3: 6, 7
Students with disabilities may
contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to discuss
special accomodations for the course.