Math 6510 - Differentiable Manifolds
Fall 2014
[email protected]
place and time: TTh
2:00 - 3:20, LCB
225 (Note room change!)
Problem session: W
9:45 - 10:35, LCB 121
main text for the course is Differential
by Guillemin and Pollack and A
Comprehensive Introduction to
Differential Geometry, Vol. 1 by Spivak. However, we will not follow
the book that closely as it treats all manifolds as subspaces of Rn
and we will deal with abstracts manifolds. Other books that I
recommend (in order of importance) and may refer to when planning my
lectures are,
from a Differential Viewpoint
by Milnor and Foundations
of Differentiable
Manifolds and Lie Groups by Warner. All of
these books are "classics" and you should be able to find
relatively cheap used copies. However, they are not required for the
Course description: This
course will prepare you for the first half of Geometry/Topology
qualifying exam.
Homework: There
will be regularly assigned homework some of which will be graded.
Final: The final will be a replica of the differentiable manifolds portion of the qualifying exam. I will give it to you to do at home at your convenience but you should do it in an hour and a half without books and notes to best simulate the actual qualifying exam.
Grades: If I believe you have a strong chance of passing the qualifying exam you will receive an A in the course. If you do the homework and final but I am concerned about your chances on the qualifying exam you will receive an A-. If you are not in either of the first two categories your grade will be lower and based on my discretion depending on how much work you put in the course and how much you seem to have learned.