Math 1100, Fall 2012
This website contains all the official policies and dates for
sections 3 and 4 of Math 1100. All students will be expected to have
read this webpage. It is very unlikely but possible that I will need
to make changes to some of these policies and/or dates. Any changes
will be announced in class and posted here.
The review session for section 3 is on December 10th from 10-11 in
LCB 215.
The review session for section 4 is on December 12th from 10:45-11:45
in JWB 335.
Instructor: K. Bromberg, JWB 303, web:
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: MW 1:00-1:50
Text: Mathematical Applications for Management, Life and the Sciences, Volume 2 by Harshbarger and Reynolds (custom 8th edition for the U of U). We will cover sections 9.1-9.9, 10.1-10.5, 11.1-11.5, 12.1-12.4, 13.1-13.4, 13.7, 14.1-14.2. The custom edition we use essentially contains only these sections plus chapter 5 which is review material for this course. The regular 8th edition of the text contains all the required material and you can use it if you prefer.
Topics: This course
is an introduction to derivatives and integrals with a focus on
applications in business and economics. These same topics are covered
in more detail in the year long calculus sequence (Math 1210-20). While
we cover the material in less depth in this course there are a lot of
topics to cover and the course will move at a fast pace. It is
extremely important to not let yourself fall behind.
Prerequisite: The prerequisite for this class is a C or better in Math 1090 or 1050. If you received a C in the prerequisite course you should seriously consider retaking it before taking Math 1100.
Drop and withdrawal dates: The last day to drop the class is August 31st and the last to to withdraw is October 21st.
Exam Dates: There are 3 midterms, on September 21st, October 24th, and November 19th. The Final Exam is on Tuesday, December 11th, from 8am – 10am for section 3 and on Thursday, December 13th from 10:30am – 12:30pm for section 4. You must take all exams with your assigned section. All exams are closed book and notes. I will allow scientific calculators (but not graphing calculators) on the exams. Please bring a picture ID for every exam.
I will return the exams in the next class after the exam is taken. You should look over the exam before you leave class. If you have any questions about the grading you should return the exam to me with a note on what problem you would like me to a look at. However, unless there is an obvious mistake it is extremely unlikely that I will change your grade. Once you leave the classroom with your exam no changes can be made to your grade. If you don't come to the class following the exam to pick up your exam then you will have to come to office hours retrieve your test.
For the final I will set up a time where you can come to my office to pick up your exam. The same policy applies as for midterms. Once you leave my office with your exam no changes can be made your grade. You can also give me a stamped, addressed envelope and I will send you your exam.
Homework: It will be assigned weekly and is done online via WeBWorK. I will post each assignment at least a week before it is due. The computer will not accept any answers past the deadline, which will be at 11pm. You should aim to complete all assignments well before the deadline - there may be computer problems that prevent entering any answers minutes or hours before the deadline. A computer problem is not a valid excuse for not completing an assignment on time. The lowest 3 scores are dropped from the overall homework score. Late homework will not be accepted under any circumstances.
There is a button in WeBWorK that allows you to email the instructor. If you have a question on how to do a problem you should explain what you have attempted to do. If you ask "Can you give me a hint on problem 3?" or "How do you start Problem 8?" I will send an email back with a link directing you to this paragraph. If you are not able to even start a problem you should come to office hours or visit the tutoring center (see below).
Grading Policy: There are two possible grading schemes for this course. I will calculate your grade using both schemes and give you the better of the two grades.
Scheme 1: Your final grade will be determined from the following components: homework 20%, midterms 40%, final 40%. The lowest of the 3 midterm scores is dropped and each of the other 2 counts 20% toward the final grade.
Scheme 2: Your final grade will be determined from the following components: homework 20%, midterms 60%, final 20%. All 3 midterm scores will count in this scheme with each being worth 20% of your final grade.
If you receive more than 90% of the total points you will get at
least an A-, more than 80% at least a B-, more than 70% at least a C-
and more than 60% at least a D-.
The distribution of grades from my Math 1100 section in Fall 2011
can be found here.
Make-up policy: There are no make-ups. If you miss a midterm, that's the one that gets dropped and the other two count toward the final grade.
Additional resources: If you feel that you are falling behind, check out the math tutoring center. It is located in the T. Benny Rushing Mathematics Center and is open 8am-8pm M-Th and 8am-6pm F. This service is provided by the math department and is free. I would recommend forming groups of 5-8 or so that can meet weekly at the same time with a tutor. There is also the ASUU Tutoring Center, 330 SSB, which offers one on one tutoring for a nominal fee.
Calculators: As stated above, only scientific calculators will be allowed on the exams. However, graphing calculators can be very useful when you do your homework. You may also want to install graphing software on your computer. If you do not own a computer, or cannot find suitable software for your operating system, another option is to use an online java applet, such as the one at