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labels - Make multiple copies of address labels from an address file




Five run-time options are available from command-line switches; switch letter case is insignificant:
Select only addresses with date entries after YYMMDD.
Select only addresses with date entries before YYMMDD.
Make nn copies of each address entry as it is encountered.
Indent output listing by nn columns.
Reprint the input file nn times.

Default switches are:

-a:-1 -b:999999 -c:1 -i:0 -r:1

For example:

labels -a:790324 -c:10 -i:5 -r:3 <infile >outfile

This would select address entries with dates on or after 790325, print 10 successive copies of each label indented 5 columns, and print the address file 3 times.


labels makes multiple copies of address labels from an address file. Entries have the form
= Optional title
* Optional remark
Address Line 1...
Address Line 2...
Address Line 3...
Address Line 4...
Address Line 5...
Address Line 6...
Address Line 7...
 Phone Line 1...
 Phone Line 2...

Each line may contain up to 50 characters in upper/lower case. The number of lines for the name and address lines may be at most 8. At least one blank line must separate successive address entries. The date line Date: YYMMDD is optional, and if omitted, is equivalent to Date: 0.

An asterisk in column 1 prefixes remarks which are not to be output; a remark may be placed anywhere in the address file, even within addresses.

A title for the output listing may be supplied on a line prefixed by an equals sign.

Lines distinguished by a blank in column 1, with at least one non-blank in the remaining columns, may be used for any purpose, such as phone numbers, invoice data, etc., and will not be printed in the output listing.

The output is a file with the selected labels. On older printers that support label rolls, it may be possible to print it directly. On modern laser printers, the output should be formatted separately into multiple columns, such as is possible with the UNIX pr(1) utility. For PostScript printers, the lptops(1) utility can be used to do the job, as follows:

labels ... | \
   lptops -m3 -p10pt -t0.25in -b0in -l0.25in -r0in -fTimes-Bold | \
   lpr -Psomeprintername

This will format the output of labels into 3 columns with margins that match those of Avery brand 5360 labels, which have 3 columns of 7 labels per page, and are suitable for hand feeding into a laser printer or photocopier.

This combination of labels and lptops(1) has been encapsulated in a convenient shell script, PSlabels(1), whose manual page can be consulted for further details.


Nelson H. F. Beebe, Ph.D.

Center for Scientific Computing

Department of Mathematics

220 South Physics Building

University of Utah

Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Tel: (801) 581-5254

FAX: (801) 581-4148

E-mail: <[email protected]>