SF3LEX 1L "29 April 1994" "University of Utah "

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sf3lex - SFTRAN3 and Fortran lexical analyzer


sf3lex <infile >outfile


sf3lex is a simple prototype SFTRAN3 lexical analyzer program. Since SFTRAN3 is a superset of Fortran 66 and Fortran 77, it will handle Fortran code as well. The analyzer just prints the token name, its internal number, and the token string, one such group per line, to stdout. This is not of much use to a user, but it is useful in checking the input to other tools that use the same lexical analyzer.


The lexical analyzer used by sf3pretty recognizes the complete Fortran 66 and 77 languages as defined in ANSI Fortran X3.9-1966 and ANSI Fortran X3.9-1978 Standards. It also recognizes the SFTRAN3 language keywords and directives as described in the SFTRAN3 Programmer's Reference Manual by Charles L. Lawson and John A. Flynn (JPL Document No. 1846-98, 1978, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA).

To increase its utility, the analyzer also recognizes numerous language extensions present in commonly-used Fortran compilers. These are summarized in the following table. Note that some extensions are supported by multiple vendors.


<letter>=, Rw, and nVw.d FORMAT items, nRxxxx right-adjusted Hollerith constant, "xxx" quoted strings
n/ FORMAT item
ACCEPT, DO ... ENDDO, IMPLICIT NONE, INCLUDE, REREAD, and TYPE statements, E, F, G, I, Ow.d, Q, Zw.d, and $ FORMAT items, long variable names, $ and % in variable names, tabbed source format, lower-case source format
&nnn alternate return specifier, NAMELIST I/O
B, P, nR, SU, T, and nT FORMAT items


Standard input and standard output only.


fortlex(1L), ftnchek(1L), pfort(1L), pretty(1L), sf3(1L), sf3pretty(1L), sf3xref(1L), xsf3(1L).


Although a complete grammar for SFTRAN3 and Fortran 66/77 is implemented, with extensions from DEC, UNIX, Cray, CDC, and IBM Fortran, the constraints of doing this with a machine-generated lexical analyzer are that FORMAT is a reserved word, and some tokens may be incorrectly identified because the grammar may require lookahead of many tokens to correctly classify an earlier one. A tool to preprocess the output of the analyzer and reclassify tokens will eventually be written.


Nelson H. F. Beebe
Center for Scientific Computing
Department of Mathematics
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148

Email: [email protected]