Digital libraries
Last updates:
Wed Aug 25 08:28:07 2004
Wed Sep 27 10:17:33 2017
April 1995,
April 1998,
May 2001
issues of the Communications of the ACM, and the
February 1999
issue of IEEE Computer, are special issues on digital
libraries. This document contains pointers to a number of
WWW sites mentioned there, plus several others not
mentioned. Geographical locations are provided as a
possible clue to connection speed. Most offer extensive
search capabilities.
June 1996 Communications of the ACM
is a special issue on electronic commerce on the Internet.
Table of contents
The University of Pennsylvania maintains a list of more than
10,000 online books:
The New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors
aims to ``catalog all deceased authors, and all authors of
books published before 1964, including their full name(s),
date of death, date of birth, pseudonyms, sex and
nationality (for non-EU citizens who died after c1920),
and their books published before 1964.''. It indexes more
than 24,000 books at
There is a huge (1,100,000+ entries) database of
bibliographic information in computer science and
related subjects at Universität Karlsruhe:
There is another archive, original devoted to DataBase
systems and Logic Programming (DBLP), but now being
expanded to other areas of computer science, changing the
meaning of DBLP to Digital Bibliography & Library
Project, at Universität Trier:
The archive has about ten mirrors around the world for
faster access at your site, and offers search-by-author,
and lists of conferences and journals covered.
A user-centered database of Computer Science literature
[Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA]
NSF Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval
[University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA]
Computing Research Repository
[Los Alamos, NM, USA]
For a two-year experiment, the Association of
Computing Machinery (ACM), has agreed that authors
of papers in any ACM journal may post initial
and/or final copies of their articles to this
digital libraries for computer science
[Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA]
Carnegie-Mellon University Computer Science technical reports
[Pittsburgh, PA, USA]
Data from 300
FTP archives
[University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA]
List of 280 FTP sites with
Computer Science technical reports
[Monash University, Clayton, Victora, Australia]
List of 120
FTP archives
[Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada]
Data extracted from 180
FTP archives
[Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA]
Computer Science technical reports
from 15 participating sites at the home of WATERS (Wide
Area TEchnical REport Service) [Old Dominion University,
Norfolk, VA, USA]
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
digital library project [Reston, VA, USA]
an architecture for distributed document libraries
[Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA]
NCSTRL: Networked Computer Science Technical Report Library
of 200+ institutions [Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA]
Open Archives Initiative:
pointers to California Digital Library, HP Labs, MIT
Libraries, Dutch Dare Project, UK RoMEO Project
[Cornell University, Ithaca, NY]
Stanford University Computer Science
technical reports and technical notes [Stanford, CA,
Bartleby's Quotation Dictionary
[New York, NY, USA]
Century English dictionary
[???, NJ. USA]
DICT Development Group
[interface to several different dictionaries and
European Commission European Terminology Database
online translation dictionary
[12 languages: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Portuguese,
Spanish, and Swedish]
File extension database
Foreign Language Master --- Java
German-English dictionary
[Technische Hochshule, Zwickau, Germany];
mirrored at
Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing
[Imperial College, London, UK]
French-English dictionaries:
German-English dictionary
[Informatik der Technischen Universität München, Germany]
Le Grand Dictionnaire Terminologique --- The Great Terminology Dictionary
[3,000,000+ French and English technical terms]
Index of on-line dictionaries:
links to 400+ dictionaries in 130+ languages
[Bucknell, PA. USA]
ISBN tools
provides maps of ISBN data to book titles
online dictionaries in 100+ languages
Limerick dictionary
On-line dictionaries and glossaries
Helsinki University dictionary pointers
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American Mathematical Society
[Providence, RI, USA]
Electronic Library of Mathematics
[Berlin, Germany]: full text of 20+ peer-reviewed
mathematical research journals and some conference
e-doc: electronic journal index
[Baltimore, MD, USA]
electronic journal index
[Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Mathematik, Germany]
electronic journal index
[Universitätsbibliothek Hannover und Technische Informationsbibliothek, Germany]
The Journal for Acrobat Users [Nottingham, England]
[The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA]
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC)
[???, Israel]
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
[Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA]
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
[Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, USA]
Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS)
[Graz, Austria]
Newsletter of the National Research Center on
Student Learning
[University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA]
NUMDAM - Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques
[Digitization of legacy mathematical documents]
[Grenoble, France]
[complete issues of two French mathematics journals,
with projects for three more journals underway]
Public Library of Science
[San Francisco, CA, USA]
On-line bibliographies
of some of these journals are available in BibTeX format. Most
of the
professional organizations
listed below have pointers to their journals and other
publications, so they are not duplicated here.
Images and projects for the Hubble Space Telescope,
including new pictures of Saturn, are available at
and at the Space Telescope Science Institute Web site,
The International Organizations for Standardization (ISO)
has its own Web site at
in Engish and also in
ISO maintains an index to recent ISO Standards at
ISO maintains a list of freely available (usually
because they have been superceded by newer ones) standards
The National Resource for Global Standards provides
an online index to various international standards:
U.S. Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)
are available at
with indexes by category, keyword, and publication number.
Newer FIPS standards are freely available in full text
form via links from that site.
In most cases, ISO Standards are expensive copyrighted
documents, sold for profit, and not available in
machine-readable form. There are, however, some
exceptions in the list below. In rare cases, they
may be reproduced in textbooks (e.g., Herbert Schildt,
The annotated ANSI C standard: American National
Standard for Programming Languages C: ANSI/ISO
9899-1990, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1990, ISBN
0-07-881952-0, and Jeanne C. Adams et al., Fortran 95
Handbook: Complete ISO/ANSI Reference, MIT Press,
1997, ISBN 0-262-51096-0.) or in draft form in journals
(e.g., ACM SIGNUM and ACM Fortran Forum).
For information about (human) languages on the Internet,
visit the
Internet Society Babel Web site.
The ISO character set standards are highly relevant in
this area.
ISO 31: Information Processing Representation of
Quantities and Units [no link available]
USMARC Country of publication codes --- Alphabetical by Code
USMARC Country of Publication codes:
A--L (by country),
L--Z (by country),
A--Z (by code)
C++ draft standard
(available in multiple parts in PostScript and PDF)
JTC1/SC22/WG14 N794 Programming languages --- C: draft
(warning: single 1.3MB (633 pages) HTML document!)
C9X draft standard
plain text
Fortran 77 standard: ANSI X3J3/90.4
and plain text
Fortran 77 standard
Pascal standard: ISO 7185:1990
Extended Pascal standard: ISO 10206:1990
IEC 559:1993, Binary floating-point arithmetic for
microprocessor systems, second edition. [no link
ISO 639:1988 and IETF 1766: Information Processing
Coded Representation of Names and Languages
ISO CD 639/2:1991. Code for the Representation of
Names of Languages: alpha-3 Code.
(3-character alphabetic symbols for the (re)presentation
of names of languages)
ISO 646: 3rd Edition 1991: Information Technology ---
ISO 7-bit Coded Character Set for Information
(also known as ASCII (American Standard Code for
Information Interchange))
NISO Z39.53 Language Codes
(3-character alphabetic symbols for the (re)presentation
of names of languages)
American National Standard for Electronic Manuscript
Preparation and Markup. (ANSI/NISO Z39.59-1988).
Published for NISO (National Information Standards
Organization) by Transaction], 1991. xv +167 pages.
ISBN: 0-88738-945-7. ISSN: 1041-5653.
ISO 639:1988 (E/F). Code for the Representation of
Names of Languages
(2 character codes)
ISO 639:1988 (E/F). Code for the Representation of
Names of Languages
(3 character codes)
Codes for the Representation of Languages for
Information Interchange (ANSI/NISO Z39.53-1994).
Bethesda, MD:
NISO Press
[for NISO], 1994. ISBN: 1-880124-10-6. ISSN:
ISO 646:1983, Information processing --- ISO 7-bit coded
character set for information interchange. [no link
ISO 1000: 3rd Edition 1992: SI Units
[no link available]
ISO/IEC 2382-1:1993, Information technology ---
Vocabulary --- Part 1: Fundamental terms. [no link
ISO 3166:1988 Country Codes --- Alphabetical by Place
See also another listing with
2- and 3-character country codes
ISO 3166:1988 Country Codes --- Alphabetical by Code
ISO 4217:1987: Information Processing --- Currencies
and Funds
[no link available]
ISO 6709:1988: Information Processing ---
Representation of Latitude and Longitude
[no link available]
ISO 6936:1988: Information Processing --- Character
Set Convention
[no link available]
ISO 8859: Information processing --- 8-bit single
byte coded graphic character sets
Latin Alphabet No 0
Latin Alphabet No 1 (English and Western Europe)
Latin Alphabet No 2 (English and Eastern Europe)
Latin Alphabet No 3 (English, Turkish and others)
Latin Alphabet No 4 (English, Baltic and Scandinavian)
Latin Alphabet No 5 (Latin/Cyrillic)
Latin/Arabic No 6
Latin/Greek No 7
Latin/Hebrew No 8
Latin Alphabet No 9 (extended No 1)
Latin Alphabet No 10 (extended No 4)
A collection of 590+ coded character set maps is
available at
ISO 8601:1988, Data elements and interchange formats ---
Information interchange --- Representation of dates and
times. [no link available]
ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993, Information technology ---
Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) ---
Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane.
[no link available]
ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993, Information technology ---
Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) ---
Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane.
[no link available]
SO/IEC 12087-1:1995 Information technology ---
Computer graphics and image processing --- Image
Processing and Interchange (IPI) --- Functional
specification --- Part 1: Common architecture for
ISO/IEC 12087-2:1994 Information technology ---
Computer graphics and image processing --- Image
Processing and Interchange (IPI) --- Functional
specification --- Part 2: Programmer's imaging
kernel system application programme interface
For a brief overview, see George S. Carson, PIKS
and BIIF Explored, ACM Computer Graphics,
32(2), 38--39, May 1998.
ISO/IEC 12087-3:1995 Information technology ---
Computer graphics and image processing --- Image
Processing and Interchange (IPI) --- Functional
specification --- Part 3: Image Interchange
Facility (IIF)
ISO/IEC 12088-4:1995 Information technology ---
Computer graphics and image processing --- Image
processing and interchange --- Application program
interface language bindings --- Part 4: C
RFC 1766: Tags for the Identification of Languages
(this uses the ISO 639 language name codes and the ISO
3166 alpha-2 country name codes)
Standard Decimal Arithmetic
This includes an implementation of a multiprecision
(up to a billion digits) library, and pointers to
related ANSI/IEEE Standards.
Open Group (including X/Open Standards)
and their
extensive publication list.
Bibliothèque National de France [National
Library of France]
[Paris, France]
HyperDOC: The National Library of Medicine (NLM)
[Bethesda, MD, USA]
The Internet Archive
[San Francisco, CA, USA]
More than 43TB of archived Web data!
University of California
CD ROM information system [Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,
CA, USA]. This collection includes about 260,000 books,
with 1990 US Census data, outline maps of all US cities,
and US foreign trade statistics.
a new national Online Public Access Catalogue,
providing unified access to the online catalogues of
some of the largest university research libraries in
the UK and Ireland.
[Manchester, UK]
Deutsche Bibliothek
It tries to collect catalog entries every book
published in German. Follow the link to "Suche"
(search) for searching by subject, title, or URL.
Digital Video Library
[Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA]
New Zealand Digital Library project
[Waikato, NZ]
Digital Library Project
[Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA]
Digital Library Testbed
[Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA]. Includes
software for converting bibliography databases to HTML.
UC Berkeley
Digital Library Project
[Berkeley, CA, USA]
Digital Library
[Santa Barbara, CA, USA]
Digital Library Project
[University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign, IL, USA]
Universität Karlsruhe
[Karlsruhe, Germany]
English interface to multiple German library
databases, supporting parallel search to them.
Digital Library Project
[Ann Arbor, MI, USA]
NEC Research Institute ResearchIndex
[Princeton, NJ, USA]
British Library
Initiatives for Access Projects
[London, England]
Digital Library Forum
D-Lib Magazine
[Reston, VA, USA]
Periodic table of the chemical elements
with detailed information about each.
[Los Alamos, NM, USA]
Library of Congress
[Washington, DC, USA] [NB: This site far too often
refuses connections: try the alternate Z39.50
interfaces in the next item below]
Library of Congress
Z39.50 gateways to LC catalog
[Washington, DC, USA]
This points to more than 430 Z39.50 gateways to the
Library of Congress catalog around the world, and may
also be a starting point for finding other library
LOCKSS (Lot of Copies Keep Stuff Safe)
[Stanford, CA, USA]
National Science Digital Library
[Ithaca, NY, USA]
Salt Lake City main library
photo gallery
of the new building
[Salt Lake City, UT, USA]
Scirus science database
Smithsonian Institution
[Washington, DC, USA]
[xxx, CA, USA]
USMARC Concise Bibliographic: Number and Code Fields
[Washington, DC,USA]
Has descriptions of all of the 3-digit MARC record codes
used by most U.S. library catalogs. See also the
OCLC (Online Computer Library Center, Inc.) users manual
for alternate descriptions of these fields.
Digital Library of Mathematical Functions:
This is to be the electronic form of the famous
Abramowitz & Stegun's Handbook of Mathematical
Functions. (U.S. National Bureau of Standards
#55, 1964). At present (late 2002), only a chapter
outline and Web mockup are available.
(Association for Computing Machinery) [New York, NY,
(American Chemical Society)
(American Institute of Physics)
(American Mathematical Society) [Providence, RI, USA]
membership directory
APS (American Physical Society)
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
Canadian Mathematical Society
(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)
[Silver Spring, MD, USA]
Institute of Physics
[London, England]
(Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
[Philadelphia, PA, USA]
USENIX Association
[Berkeley, CA, USA]
Boston Globe
[Boston, MA, USA]
Christian Science Monitor
[Boston, MA, USA]
Deseret News
[Salt Lake City, UT, USA]
EETimes: Technology Site for Engineers and Technical Management
[San Francisco Bay Ara, CA, USA]
Le Figaro
[Paris, France]
Pointers to resources for European journalists,
including pointers to Web sites of major broadcast
media, newspapers, and magazines.
Le Monde
and its group newspapers (Paris, Midi, Toulouse)
[Paris, France]
Le Monde Diplomatique
[Paris, France]
London Times
[London, UK]
Los Angeles Times
Miami Herald
[Miami, FL, USA]
New York Times
(with pointers to many
Middle Eastern,
Norwegian and Swedish
[Copenhagen, DK]
Salt Lake Tribune
[Salt Lake City, UT, USA]
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner
St. Petersburg Times
[St. Petersburg, FL, USA]
St. Petersburg Times
[The English-language newspaper of St. Petersburg,
Russia. Published since May 1993 by Independent Press,
with editions every Tuesday and Friday.]
Utah newspaper, TV, and radio Web sites
[Utah, USA]
Wall Street Journal
(requires subscription)
Washington Post
[Washington, DC, USA]
NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty
[Gaithersburg, MD, USA]
Review of Particle Physics
[Berkeley, CA, USA]
Review of Particle Physics: Constants, Units, Atomic and Nuclear Properties
[Berkeley, CA, USA]
Review of Particle Physics: Mathematical Tools:
compact notes on probability, statistics, Monte Carlo methods, etc.
[Berkeley, CA, USA]
Academic Press
and its
IDEAL online journal library
[up to 22% off]
Addison-Wesley Publishers
(includes Benjamin-Cummings, Dale Seymour, Longman, and
Peachpit) [Reading, MA, USA]
Addison-Wesley-Longman Australia
Addison-Wesley-Longman Canada
Addison-Wesley-Longman Europe
Addison-Wesley Verlag
Addison-Wesley international offices
[Melbourne, Victoria, Australia]
Amazon Books
[2.5 million titles from many publishers]
Barnes and Noble
Birkhauser Boston Publisher
Bookstores and publishers online
R. R. Bowker
Publisher of Books-in-Print and ISBN (International
Standard Book Number) registry. Includes description
ISBN fields and hyphenation rules,
and pointers to the many agencies responsible for
assigning ISBN numbers.
Bowker's Books Out-Of-Print online.
Access is free, once you register at
Buy Books
[up to 30% off]
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge Journals Online
Chapman Hall
Chemical Abstracts Service
Computer book publishers
Coriolis Group
[Scottsdale, AZ, USA]
CRC Press
[Boca Raton, FL, USA]
Digital Press
[Woburn, MA]
dpunkt Verlag
[Heidelberg, Germany]
electronic publishing solutions
[Baltimore, MD, USA]
Elsevier Scientific Publishers
[Amsterdam, The Netherlands]
Fatbrain (formerly, Computer Literacy, now a
Barnes & Noble company)
(extensive offerings of books about computers and
networks) [San Jose, CA, USA]
pointers to
German-language bookstores
on the Internet
[Konstanz, Germany]
pointers to
German-language libraries
on the Internet in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
[Konstanz, Germany]
pointers to
German-language publishers
on the Internet
[Konstanz, Germany]
Grolier Electronic Publishing
[Danbury, CT, USA]
HarperCollins Publishers
[New York, NY, USA]
International Data Group (I D G Books)
[San Mateo, CA, USA]
International publishers and media concerns
[Dresden, Germany]
International Thomson Publishing GmhH
[Bonn, Germany]
International Thomson Computer Press
International Standard Book Number
Web site
International Standard Serial Number
Web site. Access to the ISSN registry is available
only via annual subscription, or through a brief guest
Searches several bookstores for in-print and many
out-of-print books.
John Wiley & Sons Inc.
[New York, NY, USA]
Kluwer Academic Publishers
[Dordrecht, The Netherlands]
Kluwer Academic Publishers
[Norwell, MA, USA]
Library of Science Book Club, Natural Science Book
Club, and Astronomy Book Club
[Seattle, WA, USA]
[Philadelphia, PA, USA]
this node also contains a pointer to a searchable
version of the
New Riders World Wide Web Yellow Pages.
[Carmel, IN, USA]
[New York, NY, USA]
MIS Press
(a subsidiary of Henry Holt and Co., Inc.)
[Portland, OR, USA]
MIT Press
[Cambridge, MA, USA]
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
[Los Altos, CA, USA]
New Riders Publishing
[Indianapolis, IN, USA]
O'Reilly and associates:
specialists in UNIX and X Window System books
[Sebastopol, CA, USA]. A complete
BibTeX bibliography
of their books is available.
a division of McGraw-Hill
Oxford University Computing Laboratory
list of publishers, journals, magazines, newspapers,
bookstores, broadcasters, ... [Oxford, UK]
Oxford University Press
Peachpit Press
[Berkeley, CA, USA]
Powell's Books
Prima Publishing
[Rocklin, CA, USA]
Prentice Hall
[Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA]
Publishers' Catalogs
home page: hundreds of publishers (organized by
country), and more [Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada]
R&D Books
[Berkeley, CA, USA]
SIGS Publications Inc.
[New York, NY, USA]
SpeedServe, Inc.
[La Vergne, TN, USA]: books, videos, and games.
[New York, NY, USA]. You can also send e-mail to
[email protected]
with the body HELP.
[New York, NY, USA]
[Heidelberg, Germany]
SunSoft Press
[Mountain View, CA, USA]
The Electronic Library of Science (a Springer-Verlag
subsidiary) [Santa Clara, CA, USA]
Thomson Publishing:
this node contains pointers to about 20 other
publisher's catalogs.
Ventana Press
[Chapel Hill, NC, USA]
Verzeichnis lieferbarer Buecher, VLB
Follow the link to Datenbanken to search the database,
and the link to Buchhandlungen und Verlage to reach
an extensive list of German bookstores and publishers.
Verlag Heinz Heise
[Hannover, Germany]
Waite Group Press
[Corte Madera, CA, USA]
[Berkeley, CA, USA]
There are now a few Web sites that offer sources of random
numbers that are generated by physical processes that may
be more random than numbers obtained by any of
the well-known methods for generating pseudorandom numbers
by computer algorithms.
makers of SGML authoring and publishing software
SoftQuad, Inc.
SGML & HTML experts in the authoring, publishing,
and electronic delivery of information
Robin Cover's
SGML Web page:
pointers to SGML resources on the Internet
TeX Users Group
DANTE (German-speaking TeX Users Group)
Blue Sky Research,
publishers of TeXtures: TeX for the Apple Macintosh
Ideal fonts
Virtual fonts for TeXtures
K-Talk Communications
TeX tools for IBM PC: MathEdit (WYSIWYG equation
editor), Tools for converting TeX to/from WP format
MacKichan Software, Inc.,
makers of Scientific Word, Scientific WorkPlace, and
Scientific Notebook
MicroPress, Inc.
VTeX (for Windows 95, 98, NT), TeX IDE, outline fonts,
drivers, visual tools, TeX->PDF and TeX->HTML
Personal TeX, Inc.
(IBM PC environment)
Scientific Word Ltd., U.K.,
European branch of MacKichan Software
TCI Research: Scientific Word for Windows
(IBM PC environment)
TrueTeX Software
(6994 Pebble Beach Court, Lake Worth, FL 33467, Tel:
(561) 966-8400, FAX: (561) 966-0962), makers of
TurboTeX for UNIX and IBM PC DOS and Windows, and
TrueTeX for Windows. [The company was formerly known as
Kinch Computer, based in Ithaca, NY.]
specialists in products that optimize the performance of
the TeX typesetting system
Here are Web sites that provide historical, current, and,
future weather reports:
There are Web sites that point to multiple search engines:
Here is a list of all of the search engines I've found: