Last update: Sat Nov 17 16:24:50 2001
Comments, and reports of errata or bugs, are welcome via e-mail to the author, Nelson H. F. Beebe <[email protected]>. In your report, please supply the full document URL, and the title and Last update time stamp recorded near the top of the document.
Because this software is proprietary and under license, its documentation is made available only in the form of local URLs: if you are visiting this site from remote computer systems, you will not be able to follow any of these links, other than the first one. In addition, your Web browser must be running on a Sun Solaris system on which the Sun Workshop 6U2 release has been installed. If you are unsure what platform you are on, run the UNIX command uname -s: if it responds SunOS, and if the directory /opt/SUNWspro/WS6U2 exists, then you are in luck. Otherwise, please login to xserver.math.utah.edu, which is a collective name for one of several such systems.
The Sun Workshop 6U2 compiler release includes 21 books with 3974 pages of typeset documentation in PDF form: