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 C-fpp- =================================================================
 C-fpp- fpp -- C version 1.0.3 [27-Feb-1991]
 C-fpp- Date: Wed Feb 27 18:08:37 1991
 C-fpp- Directory: /u/beebe/plot79/demo
 C-fpp- User: Nelson H. F. Beebe <[email protected]>
 C-fpp- Macro: _OS_UNIX=1
 C-fpp- Macro: _AIX=1
 C-fpp- Macro: _IBM_RS_6000=1
 C-fpp- Macro: _BIG_ENDIAN=1
 C-fpp- =================================================================
 C$    (DEM67 - CORE Viewing Parameters)
 C$    Draw a  box  with  labelled  faces which  can  be  used  to
 C$    illustrate the various viewing options in the CORE  system.
 C$    The  idea  is   taken  from  the   DI-3000  User's   Manual
 C$    (Copyright, Precision  Visuals  Inc., 1980).   Up  to  four
 C$    drawings are displayed in the  four quadrants of each  plot
 C$    page.
 C$    The viewing options are provided  in the input file in  the
 C$    NAMELIST  $DATA  ...   $END,  which  is   followed  by   an
 C$    80-character title for  the plot.  Plots  are produced  for
 C$    each NAMELIST/title group on  the input file.  Before  each
 C$    NAMELIST read, all  viewing parameters are  reset to  their
 C$    CORE defaults,  unless  RESET=.FALSE. was  specified  in  a
 C$    previous NAMELIST input group.
 C$    The input parameters are as follows:
 C$    BACKD.........Back  clipping plane  distance measured  from
 C$                  the view reference point in the direction  of
 C$                  the view  plane  normal.  It  has  no  effect
 C$                  unless BCLIP  =  .TRUE..   (Default  BACKD  =
 C$                  0.0).
 C$    BCLIP......... .TRUE. - Back clipping enabled.
 C$                  .FALSE. - Back clipping disabled (default).
 C$    FCLIP......... .TRUE. - Front clipping enabled.
 C$                  .FALSE. - Front clipping disabled (default).
 C$    NFRAME........1 - one picture frame per page
 C$                  2 - two picture frames per page
 C$                  4 - four picture frames per page (default)
 C$                  other - same as 4
 C$    FRONTD........Front  clipping plane  distance measured from
 C$                  the view reference point in the direction  of
 C$                  the view  plane  normal.  It  has  no  effect
 C$                  unless FCLIP  =  .TRUE..  (Default  FRONTD  =
 C$                  0.0).
 C$    HIDE.......... .TRUE. - Hide  cube  faces  which  face away
 C$                            from the viewer (default).
 C$                  .FALSE. - Draw  all cube faces.   This option
 C$                            is necessary if  the back sides  of
 C$                            faces are to  be displayed, as  for
 C$                            an inside view.
 C$    PARLEL........ .TRUE. - Parallel (orthographic) projection
 C$                            (default).
 C$                  .FALSE. - Perspective projection.
 C$    PERDST........Distance  of center of perspective projection
 C$                  from view  reference  point  along  the  view
 C$                  plane   normal.    Specifying   this    value
 C$                  automatically sets PP(*) along VN(*) and sets
 C$                  PARLEL=.FALSE., overriding  any input  values
 C$                  for PP(*) and PARLEL. (Default unset).
 C$    PP(*).........3-vector defining projective point relative
 C$                  to view reference point.  (Default 0,0,1).
 C$    RESET......... .TRUE. - Reset viewing parameters to default
 C$                            values before reading the next data
 C$                            group (default).
 C$                  .FALSE. - Leave viewing parameters unchanged
 C$                            before reading next data group.
 C$    RHS........... .TRUE. - Right-handed coordinate system
 C$                            (default).
 C$                  .FALSE. - Left-handed coordinate system.
 C$    RP(*).........3-vector defining view reference point.
 C$                  (Default 0,0,0).
 C$    UP(*).........3-vector defining view up direction.
 C$                  (Default 0,1,0).
 C$    VIEWD.........View  plane distance measured  from the view
 C$                  reference point along the view plane  normal.
 C$                  (Default 0).
 C$    VN(*).........3-vector defining view plane normal.
 C$                  (Default 0,0,-1).
 C$    WCLIP......... .TRUE. - Window clipping enabled (default).
 C$                  .FALSE. - Window clipping disabled.
 C$    WINDOW(*).....4-vector defining  (left, right, bottom, top)
 C$                  world coordinate extents of the window.   The
 C$                  cube which  is drawn  is  10 units  on  edge,
 C$                  centered at  the  origin  (0,0,0).   (Default
 C$                  (-10,10,-10,10)).
 C$    (07-JUN-85)