Mathematical Biology Journal Club
Fall 2004 semester
Thursdays at 2:00pm, LCB 322
Journal Club Guidelines
September 2
JC I: Nessy Tania presenting
Balth. van der Pol and J. van der Mark
"The heartbeat considered as a relaxation oscillation,
and an electrical model of the heart"
Phil. Mag. Suppl., Vol. 6,
pp. 763-775
September 9
JC II: Amber Smith presenting
Marc Lipsitch
"Vaccination Against Colonizing Bacteria with Multiple
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA,
Vol. 94, (June, 1997),
pp. 6571-6576.
September 16
JC I: Geoffrey Hunter presenting
E. M. Purcell
"Life at low Reynolds number"
American Journal of Physics, Vol. 45, No. 1. (1977),
pp. 3-11.
(with Paul Fife's notes from Lighthill on swimming microorganisms.)
September 23
JC II: Katherine Fitzgerald presenting
Frederick R. Adler
"The balance of terror: An alternative mechanism for
competitive trade-offs and its implications for invading
The American Naturalist, Vol. 154,
No. 5 (November 1999), pp. 497-509.
(AmNat Online)
September 30
JC I: Karin Leiderman presenting: Part I
Aaron L. Fogelson and Andrew L. Kuharsky
"Membrane Binding-site Density Can Modulate Activation
Thresholds in Enzyme Systems"
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 193. (1998),
pp. 1-18.
October 14
JC II: Nessy Tania presenting
C. C. Mitchell and D. G. Schaeffer
"A two-current model for the dynamics of cardiac membrane"
Bull Math Biol., Vol. 65, No. 5. (Sept., 2003),
pp. 767-793.
(Science direct)
October 21
JC I: Michael Giessing presenting: Part II
Aaron L. Fogelson and Andrew L. Kuharsky
"Membrane Binding-site Density Can Modulate Activation
Thresholds in Enzyme Systems"
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 193. (1998),
pp. 1-18.
October 28
JC II: Benjamin Sukow presenting
Edmund J. Crampin, Eamonn A. Gaffney and Philip K. Maini
"Reaction and Diffusion on Growing Domains: Scenarios
for Robust Pattern Formation"
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 61. (1999),
pp. 1093-1120.
November 4
JC I: Giao Huynh presenting
Eric L. Charnov
"Optimal foraging, the Marginal Value Theorem"
Theoretical Population Biology, Vol. 9, No. 2. (1976),
pp. 129-136.
November 11
JC II: Brendan O'Fallon presenting
November 18
JC I: Lindsay Crowl presenting
Henning Schmidt and Elling W. Jacobsen
"Identifying Feedback Mechanisms Behind Complex
Cell Behavior"
IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Vol. 24, No. 4.
(2004), pp. 91-102.
December 2
JC II: Courtney L Davis presenting
Wei-min Liu, Simon A. Levin and Yoh Iwasa
"Influence of Nonlinear Incidence Rates Upon the Behavior
of SIRS Epidemiological Models"
Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 23. (1986),
pp. 187-204.
December 9
JC I: Molly Kelton presenting
Roy M. Anderson and Robert M. May
"Population biology of infectious diseases,
part I"
Nature, Vol. 280, No. 2. (August, 1979),
pp. 361-367.
PAST Math Biology Journal Clubs:
Fall 2001 - Spring 2002
Fall 2002
Spring 2003
Fall 2003
Spring 2004
For more information contact:
Laura Miller, 5-1637
[email protected]
Tom Robbins, 5-1645
[email protected]