One quarter of calculus or concurrent registration in a calculus course.
JWB 335, Tuesday 11-12
B129 Lab, Tuesday 12-2 (Second hour in the Alpha lab)
Notes to be distributed in class at cost. Estimated price: $5. Our plan will be to cover the entire text (about 60 pages).
Jim Carlson
Tel: 581-7870
E-mail: [email protected]
Office: JWB 237
Office Hours: Monday 11-12 and by appointment
Teaching Fellow:
Eric Marland
Tel: 581-5952
E-mail: [email protected]
Office: room 124 building 123
Office Hours: 11-1 on Thursdays and by appointment
There will be one weekly assignment that will require some work with Maple. We recommend that you do this in the computer lab in Building 129 where help is available and where you will learn to use the workstations. You may, however, use any computer you wish.
Weekly assignments should be written up carefully and legibly in a clear and concise style.
Homework assignments will count for eighty percent of the course grade. The final examination will count for twenty percent. Since there will be no other exam, I will give you a practice exam well in advance of the final. A close reading of the text will help in doing well on the final.