Calendar Spring 2020
Date | Time | Place | Description |
January 8 | 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. | Union Ballroom | Get Involved Fair The Get Involved Fair (formerly known as Spring PlazaFest) is the semi-annual tabling event for Recognized Student Organizations at the U to recruit new members and showcase the incredible contributions they bring to the U. Come and learn about the AWM! |
January 24 | 8:30–10:00 a.m. | Clayton Middle School | Career Fair at Clayton Middle School |
January 24 | 12:00–1:30 p.m. | LCB Loft | AWM+SIAM+USAC Celebrate Mathematicians with Disabilities joint with SIAM student chapter at the U of U and USAC Come hang out over games and snacks! Resources will be available to learn more about and to celebrate mathematicians with disabilities. |
January 29 | 2:00–4:00 p.m. | LCB 115 | LaTeX Workshop joint with SIAM student chapter at the U of U A hands-on workshop on LaTeX. Register here! Flyer |
January 31 | 12:30–1:30 p.m. | JWB 308 | REUs: What and How? Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs support active research participation by undergraduate students in mathematics. They can provide participants with a taste of life as a graduate student and can help participants decide on a career path. We will start with a Q&A session with a panel of graduate students about their experience participating in and advising REUs, followed by workshop time to work on your REU application. |
February 4 | 4:45–5:45 p.m. | JWB 335 | AWM Speaker Series Katy Craig is a professor at University of California, Santa Barbara with research interests in nonlinear PDEs, optimal transport, calculus of variations, and numerical analysis. |
February 6 | Workshop with the Defining Your Path - Field Trip Program With 8th grade students from Eisenhower Jr High. This initiative provides an opportunity for our student chapter to connect with the Salt Lake City community and to continue our efforts towards diversity, equity, and inclusivity in STEM. We have planned a hands-on activity for each group and will have various volunteers from our department interacting with K-12 students. |
February 7 | 12:00–1:15 p.m. | JWB 308 | Lunch Discussion: Gender and Job Expectations in Academia Join members of the AWM for a discussion about how gender influences expectations and special requests to those working in academia. |
February 7 | 1:30–3:00 p.m. | LCB 222 | Celebrate e-day joint with SIAM student chapter at the U of U and USAC Come hang out over logic puzzles and snacks! |
February 21 | 12:00–1:30 p.m. | LCB 215 | AWM/SIAM/USAC celebrate Black History Month joint with SIAM student chapter at the U of U and USAC Come hang out over games and snacks! Resources will be available to learn more and to celebrate Black mathematicians! |
February 27 | 2:00–3:00 p.m. | LCB 222 | AWM Speaker Series Bianca Viray earned a B.S. from the University of Maryland and a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley. She works on number theory and arithmetic geometry and is an associate professor at the University of Washington. Viray is a member of the Steering Committee for Women in Numbers (WIN), the Diversity Committee of the Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium (WAGS), and the board of directors of Girls' Angle. She also serves as the chair of the Diversity Committee at the University of Washington. Viray will be sharing her career path in mathematics, followed by Q&A. |
March 4 | Workshop with the Defining Your Path - Field Trip Program With 4th grade students from Copperview Elementary. This initiative provides an opportunity for our student chapter to connect with the Salt Lake City community and to continue our efforts towards diversity, equity, and inclusivity in STEM. We have planned a hands-on activity for each group and will have various volunteers from our department interacting with K-12 students. |
March 2 | 12:15–1:15 p.m. | ST 216 | Lunch Discussion: Yes, but what will you actually DO at your job? The Association for Women in Mathematics' Executive Director, Karoline Pershell, will introduce the work she is doing at the AWM to implement institutional change, and then facilitate a discussion on understanding and managing workplace expectations. Attendees are invited to review two resources, and bring their reactions to the discussion. |
March 18 | 12:55–1:45 p.m. | LCB 225 | CANCELED Applying to Grad School Panel Get information about how to prepare to apply for math graduate school. Come with questions! |
March 27 | 12:00–1:30 p.m. | LCB 215 | CANCELED AWM/SIAM/USAC Celebrate Women's History Month joint with SIAM student chapter at the U of U and USAC Come hang out over games and snacks! Resources will be available to learn more and to celebrate women mathematicians! |
April 3 | 12:00–1:15 p.m. | JWB 308 | MOVED ONLINE email [email protected] for the zoom link Lunch Discussion A casual meeting to foster a sense of community. |
April 10 | 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. | via Zoom | ONLINE email [email protected] for the zoom link Open Officer Meeting If you are considering joining us but want more information, please join us during our officers meeting this week! You can join anytime to chat with our current officers and ask all your questions. |
May 1 | 3:30–4:30 p.m. | via Zoom | ONLINE email [email protected] for the zoom link Navigating the Job Market We will discuss what graduating students will be doing next year, what their experiences were like being on the job market, and how they successfully found positions in academia, national labs, or industry. This is a great opportunity for current students to ask questions about how/when to prepare for the next phase in their careers and get the perspectives of graduate students who have recently gone through the process! |
May 20–22 | POSTPONED TO 2021 BRIDGES: AWM-RTG Conference This conference is aimed towards early graduate students and advanced undergraduate students interested in representation theory, number theory, and commutative algebra. The goal of this conference is to:
Events Organized by Other Organizations
Date | Time | Place | Description |
February 10 | 4:00–5:00 p.m. | Merrill Engineering Building Rm 3225 | Women in STEM Support Group A space where women and femme-identifying undergraduate and graduate students in STEM fields can connect and process their experiences as women in STEM. Meets the first Monday of each month. Please contact Kamala Ganesh at [email protected] with interest or questions! |