Department of Mathematics
University of Utah

Applied Math Seminar

This seminar is a joint seminar in Nonlinear Analysis,
PDE, Materials Science, Fluid Dynamics, and other general Applied Math subjects,
organized in past years by Grady Wright, Jingyi Zhu, Mark Lewis, David Eyre, Andrej Cherkaev, Klaus Schmitt,
Grant Gustafson, Richard McLaughlin, Graeme Milton, Sasha Balk, and Ken Golden.
To subscribe, send email to an organizer or to [email protected].

4:30-5:30pm Mondays, LCB 323

Click here for the earlier Lectures during Fall 1995 - Fall 2003

Spring 2004 Lectures

February 9:  Ross Whitaker (School of Computing, University of Utah)
Maximum Likelihood Surface Estimation

March 1: Robert Knapp (Wolfram Research)
New and Improved Features for Mathematica 5

March 8: Martin Berzins (SCI Institute, School of Comuting, University of Utah)
A General Algorithm for Variable Order Finite Element and Positivity Preservation for Hyperbolic PDEs
Notice the room change for this talk: JWB 335.

March 26: Daniel Szyld (Temple University)
Convergence of Inexact Krylov Subspace Methods
Notice the special time for this talk: 2:00 pm in LCB 323.

April 5: Yury Grabovsky (Temple University)
Homogenization of Space-time Composites

April 12: Roger Horn (University of Utah)
Matrix Canonical Forms for Congruence

April 19: Jingyi Zhu (University of Utah)
Jump Diffusion in Financial Derivative Modeling

May 3: Vladimir Vinogradov (University of Utah)
Differential scheme for effective thermoelastic properties of multiphase composite materials with application to damaged composites

May 6, 3:15-4:15pm  S. H. Lui (University of Manitoba)
Nonlinear PDEs in Image Restoration

Speakers are needed for 2003-2004!
Please contact Andrej Cherkaev ( (801) 581-6822, [email protected]), Grady Wright ( (801) 581-8649, [email protected]), or Jingyi Zhu ( (801) 581-3236, [email protected]).

Click here for the earlier Lectures